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Posts posted by Des8559

  1. 1 hour ago, Lonny said:

    I'm sure that the average person wouldn't spend 72 hours idling in a game just to regain the ability to play.

    I don't think you should say that Identity is not GTA or Arma Life because after all it's a mixture of both with their own personal touch.


    They have said there will be things to do and it should make breaking the law a danger. 


    It really really isnt isn’t a mixture of both one is a nightmare of explosive ridiculous vehicles. The other is a mil sim mod that isn’t great but best there is. This game is a custom built mmorpg

  2. 10 minutes ago, Lonny said:

    This is a very stupid idea in my opinion.

    Prison for 72 hours is insane, it's a game after all and you shouldn't be AFK for hours upon hours just to be able to play again because obviously no one is going to wait it out.

    The 45 minute max sounds good.


    A lot of people would it’s not gta or arma life after all. 

    Especially if there are things to do thank god for private servers

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lonny said:

    Because crime, drugs and murders are parts of the game that allow progression while sex is just straight up pointless and stupid.

    If you want that so much then just go ahead and load up pornhub, otherwise it's useless for the game and that's why the devs will never add it.



    While I do agree. I think you are wrong with the idea of progression I don’t believe there will be any unless you make it yourself. 

    So that said I can see why they won’t add it. But if they get around to it who cares. 

    Could just add prostitution to the many jobs available 

  4. 10 hours ago, YuriPleskun said:

    Servers should have between 300-500 people. Although the criminals will outnumber law enforcement I have faith in our abilities to control the areas.


    Pretty much like real life then. Ps we are looking forward to the interactions and rp with cops for the record I’m a motorcycle enthusiast that’s it  

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  5. 1 minute ago, zikica97 said:

    I know the chances of getting any of these guns is very low, but still it's nice to have hope (they are some of my favorite guns)


    Yeah I think you have to think realistically those sort of weapons are best kept in some of the many excellent FPS games. That’s just my opinion of course

  6. Born in the late 70s in the Heartland of England to a normal family a mother who stopped work when her kids were born. A father who worked hard in a dead end job to Support and bring up his family. A older brother who studied and worked went to a good school and did well entered a job that pays and raised a family of his own. 


    Des was always different the black sheep struggled at school always a social outcast quick to anger but controlled enough to never lose it and attack others. He attained his Basic education not really doing great at anything but not doing poorly either. He found school difficult hard to mix with others and not understanding why they were taught that way. He was not stupid but the education system failed him. 


    He always had a respect and admiration for the armed forces growing up watching films of Vietnam, TV shows of soldiers and documentaries all this had shown him that these were men to be admired and to aspire to. As well as this from somewhere he felt a need to pay back what he felt he owed to the Country for raising him, he enlisted as soon as he was able. 

    Wanting to push and prove himself worthy he joined the famous Parachute Regiment  completing tours of Kosovo and Iraq before pushing himself to his limits applying and successfully complicating training to join Special forces he did two tours of Afghanistan. Fighting taliban and insurgents. Having lost brothers and friends he decided it was time to leave. 

    On discharge Des was disheartened with the calls the government had made the way they had used and abandoned the forces. He took some jobs trying to find his place in society but always finding the same thing incompetence and selfishness in the management. 


    For the the first time ever Des lost it, nearly beating to death, a manager who had chosen his words poorly about the army. Decision forced upon him he packed up got a boat out of Liverpool and headed to find the American dream


    With a few thousand in cash and nothing else, Des brought a bike and some leathers and took of searching for somewhere to call home.

    Traveling the country meeting with other people, Des tried to find something to quiet the anger the betrayal of all he fought for, a brotherhood, all he found was a society broken selfish, no brotherhood just people out for themselves.

    Arriving in a bar outside of Roseport, Des saw some bikes parked outside as he stepped inside and his eyes adjusted as he saw some rough looking guys with skulls sown on the back of their leather cut offs. The bar was a typical off road bar smelling of stale beer and cigarette smoke ,the gloom of the bar felt almost welcoming. Des sat down and bought a beer whilst looking around, he noticed outside the window, a van roll up several guys jumped out and started heading for the bar with bats, wrenches and pipes. The hairs on the back of his neck started standing up, Des had that familiar burst of adrenaline and a little fear something was about to happen. 

    The guys with the skulls noticed the others as they walked in, before the blink of a eye, a brawl started beer glasses and fists flying. As Des sat drinking his beer watching the fight the newcomers started to take the upper hand. He saw the guys wearing skull cuts, doing their best to defend and protect each other but losing ground. Without really knowing why, yet seeing something in that group  fighting for each other, Des stood before one of the newcomers,  a quick punch to the throat crushed the newcomers trachea dropping him, and quickly putting down a one of the other newcomers with well placed bottles and fists, the skulls patched group soon rallied and cleared the rest.

    As Des returned to the bar to grab a fresh beer one of the skulls approached him. Thanking him for the assistance he told him of a bar he should follow them to and have a drink at. As the skull patched group left, Des noticed the wording above the patch “Apaches” and decided to follow them to the new bar for a drink.



    (its been along time since I wrote a history. I’m dyslexic so please excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes. FYI I am ex British airborne forces the service is very close to my own. ) 

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