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Posts posted by Venom84

  1. On 13/06/2018 at 11:21 AM, Pytronik said:

    Hi guys,


    I am Pytronik and from the mid-europe country : Germany.

    I am so excited for this game! The job I would do is working for the police and imposing law and order





    SKEL MC will look forward to working with you. ??

  2. 3 minutes ago, Stealthfuel said:

    Hey this isnt  GTA wannabe kid thug MC  this is identity 9_9


    We are going to rp. I have rp'd in GTA IV RP before. And we are going to be the largest MC by numbers. We will earn respect from everyone. Even the 99%ers. The developers did mention that you will have the opportunity to rp as a criminal. So, why is everyone bitching? And you cops will probably won't have a large enough holding cell in your police station or prison to lock us all up. We know how to talk to cops. We work in the dark.

  3. 1 hour ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    They aren't the shit, it'll be the typical group of people thinking they own the place and when they get into the full game it'll go the opposite of how they want. True serious role-players don't just come in from gta thinking they Mr gangster cus they got "100" members ??. I can't wait to not see them rule.


    We were featured in a Rockstar article. We're stars. ?

  4. 15 hours ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    If you wanted to seriously role-play a biker crew then you wouldn't need to kill people. Legit biker gangs don't kill people, especially small time wannabe trouble makers.

    Identity isn't going to be anywhere near the same as GTA, for a start yes you can get guns but what makes you think you're going to be allowed to buy guns when the first thing that comes up is " member of a biker gang "? In order to get guns you have to have a license to buy them and passing the license won't be easy and furthermore as far as licenses go it doesn't include fully automatic weapons. The second method of purchasing weapons is to buy them illegally from the black market but good luck being able to afford 10,000 dollar a piece rifles seeing as prices in the game are going to heavily reflect real life and earning money will be the same so unless you know how to perfectly aquire ingredients to produce drugs and know how to sell them to the right people in large quantities, you aren't going to be some big powerful scary gang anytime soon and the fact there are people who think it's as easy as pie being able to go round on killing sprees being the big man, you're going to get hit with reality in this game.

    And let's be honest, the police are going to keep an immediate eye on biker gangs seeing as the majority of them are just people coming from gta thinking it's business as usual. In GTA you can kill all you want and do whatever, in identity it's serious role play.



    First of all, Legit Biker Gangs do kill ppl who don't pay up for their drugs. I should know because I am from Hell's Angels country. And furthermore, I am going to bring a reasonable number of players who are serious in RPing and we are going to be dedicated to the club. We will do everything in our power to gain control in certain territories. We will spend money to aquire illegal firearms in the black market if we have to. We work in the dark and no cop is going to touch us. Our connections with the Mafia will help bribe the coppers to stay silent about our activities. I will invite all of you to our private server and if you stay in your respectful territory, we will not bother you.

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Micky_Tohmpson said:

    Lmao. The Reapers MC is a joke. I rode with them a couple of times while in another club. Expecting nothing more from "Skeleton Crew". 


    When was the last time you were on GTA online? Things have changed since 2016. A lot of the so called "MC community" have been hiding from us since November. We are outnumbering them by hundreds. If this game is any good, a bunch of us are going to switch over to IRPG and deal with you on the public server.

  6. 11 hours ago, Narc said:

    Not a bad video, till i saw the chick with blue hair lol.
    So do you guys actually rp or do you just ride bikes with a patch and just kill everyone on gta 5?



    We RP and the whole 1% community follow bylaws. We only kill randoms if they start shit with us. We are currently in a war with the MC community on PC. The Repears MC and Skel MC are making dog meat out of Infernal Punks MC.