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Posts posted by UnicornAmee

  1. Hello, and welcome to the new shop called Peridot's Rubies.

    I'm Amelia, the CEO of the company and more.

    My duty is to make my shop the best furniture and clothes shop around.

    We have available styles like:






    -And Extravangant.


    As this is new, we dont know the location of the opening yet. But if you're willing to be a future customer, we'd love to see as a regular. We dont offer shipping yet but it'll come in the mean time.


    FOr now, enjoy your stay on the island, and come around soon! ^_^

  2. Just now, Stealthfuel said:

    Lets talk about the lizard people   :D  



    6 hours ago, Micky_Tohmpson said:

    I can talk for hours about the government, seriously. :D You should freind me on discord JimmyB [Micky_Tohmpson]#9708 Anyone can, I don't care.


    Lol i dont have a discord but I follow here

  3. Name: Amelia Iorga

    Nickname: Amy, Mimi

    Reason for name: Amelia, being a mysterious name for a mysterious person, lets people want to know more about her. Her parents chose well, aparently

    Birthday: 12/07/1998

    Age: 20 (in 2018)

    Gender: Female

    Place of birth: Montreal, Canada

    Places lived since: Georgia, US

    Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: N/A

    Number of siblings: N/A

    Relationship with family (close? estranged?): N/A

    Happiest memory: Her being on a swing at the park with her two parents, them being behind her

    sChildhood trauma: Saw her parents die in a car crash when she was 15. She escaped foster home after going to the hospital

    Children of his/her own?: No

    If so, relationship with their mother/father?:N/A

    Age he/she gave birth/became a father: N/A


    Height: 1.55 cm (5,3)

    Weight:110 pds

    Build: Strong/Endomorph Hourglass

    Nationality: Canadian European

    Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Strong anxiety, hand shakiness

    Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): A few tiny moles on her face

    Face shape: Oval

    Distinguishing facial features: plumpy lips

    Hair color: light brown to dark brown (bottom to top) (ombre)

    Usual hair style: Let down, ponytail

    Eye color:  Brown in the winter, ligher brown in the summer

    Glasses? Contacts?: o

    Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Casual, comfy. If for formal, very fancy

    Typical style of shoes: flats and tennis

    Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): Has asthma but is generally in good health

    Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Plucks' her eyebrows sometimes, only wears makeup for fancy events

    Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: A pair of golden earrings that she had since forever

    Accent?:Canadian with American

    Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): She makes signs with her hands when she speaks and taps her foot in a rythmic manner when bored

    Athletic?: No


    Level of education (high school drop out, undergrad BA/BS, PhD, MD, etc.): Has done two years of       collrgr

    Level of self esteem: Medium, can change drasticly though as her anxiety reaches a high level

    Gifts/talents: Singing and a bit of drawing

    Shortcomings: Has a tendency to be rude and always hurried, can make people around her degrade their moods and is an easy hot-head

    Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Articulated and proper, but a bit hurried

    “Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: A right-brainer

    Artistic?: Yes

    Mathematical?: No

    Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Depends on her mood, but it can vary. Most of the time made by emotions

    Neuroses: Impulsive

    Life philosophy: Treat the others like you want to be treated and some day, they might return the favor

    Religious stance: Sometimes goes to church

    Cautious or daring?: Cautious if unchallenged, stupidly daring if wanted to fight

    Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Speaking about death and misery, Amelia's heart could shatter at any moment.. Or abuse... Dont speak about anything sad or you might make her cry

    Optimist or pessimist?: Optimistic.. 'Most of the time

    Extrovert or introvert?: Introverted

    Level of comfort with technology: Very high, She uses technology everywhere


    Current marital/relationship status: SIngle

    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Past relationships: None

    Primary reason for being broken up with: Idk... Maybe too sad and not cheery enough...

    Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Them trying to change her or make her become something she doesnt want to

    Level of sexual experience: 0

    Story of first kiss (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): She wants it to happen under an umbrella, in the rainiest of nights, while walkinbg home with them, and to go home with butterflies in her stomach

    Story of loss of virginity (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen, if at all?): She's someone who's wild, so she'd probably say in a motel

    A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Some close friends, dont hurt them though, you might lose a finger or two

    Most comfortable around (person): Someone not online named Delia

    Oldest friend: Delia

    How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: As a loner who doesnt want to make friends or try to and just is plain rude

    How do others actually perceive him/her?: A loner, who doesnt liked to be messed with so they leave her alone


    Profession: Shop owner

    Past occupations: Walmart worker

    Passions: Music and art

    Attitude towards current job: Loves it! She's the CEO of the company after all

    Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: Works with manufacturers, who are some of her friends and leave her discounts

    Salary: All the money she can get from her cut not being sent to the industry


    (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!)

    Phobias: SPiders and little creepy crawlies

    Life goals: Become a successful business owner, while doing some not so legal stuff with a friend turning his eye in the police

    Dreams: Get married, own a house with someone, own a good car

    Greatest fears: Being abandonned

    Most ashamed of: Her virginity

    Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: She accidently fell in the middle of the street face first in the ground

    Compulsions: hits her friend's shoulder when mad at him

    Obsessions: Conspiracies, Youtube

    Secret hobbies: None

    Secret skills:Fast at typing on the keybord

    Past sexual transgressions: None

    Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): None

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: Be happy and not miserable (but that'll change)

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: Her eyes, she wanted them blue or green


    Daily routine: Wake up, go to the bathroom, eat, watch youtube and open shop

    Night owl or early bird?: Both, she doesnt get much sleep these days

    Light or heavy sleeper?: Heavy sleeper

    Favorite food: Poutine (the best Canadian meal of all)

    Least favorite food: Squids/ Eels

    Favorite book: Other World (5 books)

    Least favorite book: None

    Favorite movie: Moana (big softie for the cute animals)

    Least favorite movie: It was a movie about a cat being kidnapped for a ransom.. Oh she hated it ...

    Favorite song: None

    Least favorite song: None

    Coffee or tea?: Coffee

    Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Both

    Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): She drives a cheap car, she isnt rich at the moment

    Lefty or righty?: Righty

    Favorite color: Purple

    Cusser?: Hell yes

    Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: No, unless beer and wine occasionaly count?

    Biggest regret: Not being able to go deeper into education

    Pets?: Nope

    • Like 1

  4. I'm interested in a job. Though i'd ask what i could do, im quite useless. Im still an immigrant, i'll get my visa in a few days or week. So what kind fo positions are open?