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Posts posted by oasixm

  1. 52 minutes ago, JohnNYBlaze said:

    That detailed tracker shoulda been what we got in the 1st place before the 1 missed release, If it really is gonna be that minor of a delay...why bother making a tracker? I don't care about delays, I care about following thru with what ppl say. I followed thru on my pledge, as did many others who wanna see this game come to life...It just seems like everything is sugar coated instead of the straight truth, we dont hear much about bad until the delay actually happens...If we heard about what they are dealing with ppl might actually encourage you to push things back for the sake of development...Sony just pushed back Days Gone till next year (the word is simply cause it didnt wanna compete with RDR2) And for consoles pushing a game back seems to have the opposite affect on players. But on console if a game gets cancelled, it's all their money that they put in that's lost we lose nothing except a game we wanted to play.

    PC is a totally different monster. If you make a game and don't have any problems...you're doing something wrong. Any game this involved is gonna have issues...especially when there are a ton of ppl worried about paying $15 for a game clearly worth much more. I bet there are so many more ppl too cheap to actually help development than ppl who simply can't afford to throw more money in, and would only be able to afford the game on early access deal or a sale or something. The only thing that makes me worried is the player base not helping out enough. I'm not worried about delays, would just prefer it if we got it straight instead of everything is going so well then...delay...I just feel like oh well obviously things aren't going as well as we keep hearing...I'm starting to feel like a chimney...Their pledgers shouldn't feel like that.


    i love it :)

  2. Bonjour,

    Nous sommes une famille qui fait respecter ses propres convictions .

    Elles impose des taxes , braques des banques , fait des prises d'otages ,Bref elle contrôle la totalité de l'ile . 

    Tout manquement de respect a cet famille sera premièrement prévenu et exécuté .



    Can i get Robbers Under my games please ? 

  3. So if I take the offer a $90 I would have an apartment in each server? I guess there are different size will it be big? How would I do for example if I want to go into a friend's apartment or rob an apartment?

  4. Bonjour,

    je n'ai pas tout compris ,

    le jeux est déjà lancé ? comment faisons nous pour le télécharger  ?

    Il y aura t'il des sereurs Français ?