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Posts posted by Hatoful

  1. 6 hours ago, Hill said:

    Hey, man!

    I'm Hill, living off the land in my trusty van since as long as I can remember. I dropped out of high school to cruise the streets in which the universe takes me. You can normally find me out in the woods during the nights staring out into the stars looking for signs of extraterrestrials, maybe even hosting a radio show discussing conspiracies and other hubba jubba. Don't worry though, I'm not crazy or anything. I don't wear tinfoil on my head or anything, but I do love my trusty boonie hat!

    I'm a friendly guy, usually I'm up for anything. If you're a hitchhiker, then I'm the guy you need to call. I'm vegan, I don't believe in eating meat. I believe all life is precious, I believe even the darkest of souls have the power to change for the better and always give second chances. Don't underestimate me, though. I won't hesitate to do what I have to if it comes to it. I'm not the luckiest soul alive either, but I have my moments in the spotlight.

    That's just the jist about myself, I don't want to throw my entire boring life story on you just yet or anything, we have all the time in the world! You're probably gone by now anyway, but if you're not then much love brother. <3 I'd love to know more about you too, man.


    Hill, Signing Off..


    I don't know why, but you really remind me of Three Dog o.e. Anyways, welcome to Identity! Nice intro :D

  2. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that once a module is up, it will stay up until the beta release. So the Town Square Module will be up while the Racing and SWAT Module are up. Don't quote me on it though!

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  3. That sucks, I'm sorry about that :/ If you're new to the job I'm sure they'll understand it was just a mistake! I'm starting a new job in about 2 weeks and really hope I don't fuck anything up o.e I wish you the best of luck, though!

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  4. 1 hour ago, Raffen said:

    My concerns, as I think will be shared by many, is the substance to the game.

    I have faith that the game will come out, and it will live up to it's promised standards in terms of development, but I am concerned that the Identity community in game will not RP as elss as I want them to. It annoyes me that on the homepage of the website, the first two things you see are a short clip of someone shooting a rifle, and a gang member with an AK.

    I'm hoping to log onto Identity, when it comes out, and seeing everyone RP as they should, giving the game real substance and texture, but I don't believe there are that many people who want this game to really RP, and not just engage in firefights like on Altis life.

    I think Identity as a concept is perfect, but the main issue is that, as put as an analogy, the game is only the engine, the community is the rest of the car. If the rest of the car falls to peices and doesn't work as it should, then what use is the engine.

    In better terms, Identity will rely entirely on the community to make the game work right, and the community is the most unreliable part of any game.


    Well said, I have to agree with you on this. I think a lot of people on the forums are eager to RP, but not everyone in the game is going to be from the forums. I think once beta comes out, there will be a lot of RPing, since most people who bought the beta access are on the forums. Once the full game comes out though, I think there might be less RPing. Hopefully not, but I guess we'll see!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Herzog said:

    Love it :x really love the rusty look. I like to keep my posters with the dirty sheet of paper look :)

    Thanks! I love that dirty sheet look too, but I'm trying to experiment with some different backgrounds. Trying to give my posters that old, retro feel to them :D 

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  6. Thought I should show you guys what I've been working on! It's supposed to look like one of those rusty, old signs that advertise shops and things like that. I've had photoshop for a long time but didn't really start using it until just recently when I saw a bunch of people making signs for their companies and stores. I hope you guys like it, and I appreciate any criticism! :D   (p.s, it looks a lot better farther away, in my opinion. o.e)




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  7. Not that I plan on going to jail anytime soon, but I was just thinking about possible alternatives to prison. Maybe if you commit a pretty minor crime, instead of(or on top of) going to jail, you would have to do some sort of community service such as helping out around the cities, cleaning up highways, volunteering at businesses, or doing some sort of good deed. I don't know how they would implement this, but I'm just kind of thinking out loud here. If anyone has any ideas on how to shorten someone's prison sentence or anything like that feel free to add it ^.^

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