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Posts posted by ConnorKastalk

  1. 8 hours ago, LordBenji said:

    October? Please do me a favor and do your homework (aka search). The very first mention about gun play mechanic video was on the 13th of January 2017.

    And people DID ask for more videos. I'll give a few examples as I don't want to bore you with a bunch of forum threads.

    The "new" website will come out before the release of Town Square module, as well as the TS video. But for me, a video isn't fully representative of how the game will be. I'm less worried about a not so well done video than the actual module. But hey, if you're not satisfied, you can always wait and see for yourself in four weeks.

    It wont come out before TS module. garenteed

  2. On 2/22/2018 at 4:29 PM, MrClark said:

    At the beginning  everyone was begging for a sign of development either the Town Square be released or a gameplay video and almost everybody wouldn't shut up about it. Now they released a video and everyone is trashing it. You need to be thankful that they listen you their community and quit complaining because they try as hard as they can on these things. This is what they were scared about taking about it being too early for a gameplay video or Town Square. 

    Stop lying no one asked for the video, they said it in a dev blog in october and hyping everything up, they did it with the previous video too, and also with the new website HyPe that didnt came out. And BTW the video is horrible and i refunded with many of my friends

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  3. 2 hours ago, James_Miller said:

    stop asking so stupid questions, the game comes out if its finished, in march the first module will come out so please stop opening posts that already have been there 400 times

    there arent 400 posts about if the TS will release in march theres only one

    • Like 2

  4. 1 hour ago, SwitchOnTwitch said:

    After seeing a few forum topics of the same subject I found this one to be the most civil and wanted to share my opinion and experiences to hopefully give some comfort or a different view to the subject.


    I discovered this game long ago and just backed it today after seeing one of their videos. One thing I learned from being a backer of starcitizen, another crowd funded project, is, progress is slow but steady and not always being shown. After initial assets are made (objects they can copy/paste or build off of) things get rolling at a pace where you don’t even keep track anymore.

     Personally, I think this game could use a different marketing technique in the store to help fund the game, we all hate micro transactions but subscriber perks, limited something, anything to increase the funding (bi)monthly. Other than marketing they’ve just started. Game development, as we’ve all heard a million times, takes years even with AAA companies like ea, Ubisoft, activision, etc. Most smaller companies trying to do the game their way for their community instead of pushing it out early, unfinished or buggy,  gives the audience a sense of being underwhelmed. Since a new COD comes out every year for example people sometimes can’t understand what’s taking so long. Just google “game dev time of popular games” and you’ll probably feel better.

    These people are starting a mmorpg from basically scratch and honestly without support, financially or even constructive critism, it’s going to be that much harder for them to build something you’ll enjoy.


    Being new here, it’s good to see passionate members of the community but I can’t understand where so much dislike for the development is coming from. ?


    Good day/night everyone!

     Dislikes coming from members who found this game 2.5 years ago in kickstarter and are mad because of a horrible gameplay. also im a star citizen Donator and Theres a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference between SC community base population and The budget “500 million dollars”

    also SC has their own conferences and Shows. they upload daily , they have hundreds of workers from different locations. SC is another Gaming franchise. identity is not

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