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Posts posted by DeluxeDestroyer

  1. I'm not really sure how well this would work but I think it would be really cool to own a bookstore in game. I think the best way to do it is by having most of the books actual books that have no copy right and are free to use and also player made books. Just wanted to know if this is possible.

  2. I am really looking forward to this game however before purchasing one of the packages I would just like to ask about the game optimization. I have a gtx 1080, i7, 16gb ram and an ssd. I just want to know if this game will be able to constantly run above 60 or if it will be just like Arma 3. Thanks in advanced.

  3. I just found this game really but it looks quite interesting. Anyway I was wondering if when we create a character if we could customize the actual features and sculpt them like in fallout 4. I think this would be a really cool feature, thanks to anyone that responds.