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Posts posted by luckylizard

  1. Just a thought, perhaps players could have a record tied to there account. The record could show certain information including criminal activities and or previously owned businesses, jobs, stuff like that. Though this could potentially damage a person's playing experience by wanting to restart fresh on a new server but can't due to previous criminal activities. Just a thought, not completely sure of cause and effects.

  2. So on the 13th of August I had decided to check the website for any updates and found the almost entirely new website layout. I thought it was awesome and noticed the shop option in the home page. I was browsing the shop in awe of all the new packages and items. Almost immediately I saw the custom Liscense Plate, Phone Number, and Logo purchasable option. I had, this time with no delay, immediately decided to buy those three things. When I got home I was swamped with certification work and other things to do, in result I could not find the time to purchase these things. Now when I go back to buy them. THE LOGO OPTION IS GONE!!?!?!?!??! What happened, why has it been removed? Any information or support is gladly accepted. Thanks to anyone. Hope to obtain the ability to purchase it again as I really looking forward to having my own personal logo for designing. Can't wait for module release. (: