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Posts posted by Vinnie_Schmittburg

  1. Nothing at all what he asked

    Their beta will most likely last decently long as to not make people who paid the $30 mad, so if you're going to play the game semifrequently its probably worth it, but the servers probably gonna be low pop but who knows, I'm buying the $15 because I'm not paying double for beta access

  2. On 2/25/2018 at 12:01 PM, eXelent said:

    can you experience playing experience if you visit a cafe drink alcohol burn tobacco to pull drugs or engage in sports

    stuff like that will give you good things and bad things temporarily

  3. They made a million dollars

    1 million for models, unreal engine, and promising a game. They can provide more than just ideas and talk about the game at this point, because from what they showed, they've done nothing but model props and brainstorm

    • Like 1

  4. 17 hours ago, uncannierlink said:

    No. It happens all the time. Players either quit the server because one gang dominates them, or join the gang that is dominating. Thats how it happens ALL THE TIME IN SANDBOX MMOs.

    you're just talking about huge gangs, there will obviously be enough cops so idk how they're gonna takeover

    huge gangs are a pain in the ass in all games, but just like in those games IE arma 3 life, when you end up killing one or getting in trouble they usually arn't organized to be right up on you immediately or be in groups of 10 at a time, if you're smart like in those games you should leave before the entire squad shows up

  5. On 1/25/2018 at 3:57 PM, Danthecancerman said:

    As a player who is planning on joining the force, I disagree with this statement in a few ways. Firstly I want to make it clear that I do not think that corruption should be against server rules (You shouldn't get banned for it) but I also do not believe it should be encouraged. Sure there will be corrupt cops because people want the cash, but I don't think there will or should be too many. The next aspect is politicians. I would hate to see a public server politician become corrupt. Now when I say corrupt, I don't mean doing drugs or breaking laws, I mean pardoning criminals with ties to certain gangs or them working with certain gangs. The only reason I say this is because I know what it is like being in a game or on a server where one party or group has full control over the server. Especially in some life-based RP games, I have played. Basically what happens is someone makes a criminal empire and because of that, they are capable of pulling off major crimes. Now the problem lies once this group is in correlation with a governing body. the reason being is the cops will either be at a complete disadvantage when attempting to apprehend the criminals (given misinformation, they are warned ahead of time, etc), or the police will be useless because even if they arrest someone, they would just be pardoned or released. Now, this is not fun for a variety of reasons. The first being the police. As an officer, you would be looking for an opportunity to roleplay as a job you find interesting. So when you physically can not do your job because you know that if you respond to that call or you try to place a warrant, you will get killed by a large group of people on the backs of corrupt police and politicians. The second is that when the officers cannot do their jobs, the whole city goes into complete anarchy, making any player not apart of what would more than likely be a secluded gang, getting bullied and pushed around without any means of defending themselves. In simplest terms, in the course of probably a year (depending on the gangs grow rate), this will be the history of that server.

    The History of Hell:

    • Peaceful town. Minimal Crime. Police have control. Structured Gov. (The way intended by our Gods (the devs))
    • Gang violence starts peaking. Police are directing attention towards that.
    • Gang violence erupts into Suburban and Inner city. Police now have most attention there.
    • Gang Violence is a major problem. Police ignore lesser crimes. Politicians start focusing on fixing the issue.
    • Gang conversion. All smaller gangs start to group up into larger gangs. This could be anywhere from inner-city to outer-city or east-side vs west-side. The city has become a "hood" type feel.
    • All crime begins to spike. Police start going corrupt. Remaining police lose control. Politicians lose control.
    • People begin leaving the city.
    • Gang violence surges for days. Police can not intervein because of little manpower. Politicians go into hiding. Businesses close down. People hide
    • One gang is victorious. Gang violence massively drops. Crime spikes.
    • Politicians are forced to step down, corrupt leaders elected.
    • Police lose even more control.
    • Remaining police band together in a vigilante force.
    • Most die
    • Vigilante force outnumbered.
    • Vigilante force leaves.
    • Normal citizens get harassed.
    • Normal citizens leave.

    Now for some people that may sound fun. However it really isn't, the untold history after that is everyone is just grinding non-stop because they are never contested by law enforcement. So the server struggles to get new people, old ones leave, and it dies out. No one but the ones in the action will have fun and for everyone else, its a complete middle figure to their attempt at immersion. I got a bit sidetracked but to attempt to tie this to the whole corruption thing, basically if too many police go corrupt, it would be because of a large gang. This large gang will more than likely follow this timeline. Now if a politician went corrupt, this would just boost the process where basically we skip the gang violence a skip straight to the police losing complete control. If you need me to clarify, ask me. I can understand any confusion. (Not check/revised/edited)


    I lied I will edit this once to add this bit. Just to restate, I am fine with small corruption here and there, but we have to be careful of an outcome stated above. It is not a very small chance that it will happen, it has a very good chance of happening if the general corruption like we think would happen, happen. It would be a shame to watch an entire official server being avoided or driving players away from the game. 

    obviously cops in a face to face all out situation are going to outdo/outgear criminals most of the time unless its a sweaty 15 man gang, in which case more cops thrown at them should do it better

    gangs banding together just won't happen, never seen it happen anywhere in any game ever, especially since people need to disconnect to breathe fresh air and eat food so the "takeover" shit will last for an hour or two

  6. On 1/19/2018 at 7:48 AM, MisterBolt said:

    Well it could be me, but sending the 'do your homework instead of gaming' post prior to some kind of release of this game is a bit premature?
    I mean I experienced a project like this before, delay delay delay, no dates given (poor project planning) and ending up canceled. 
    And that was a game from EA.. 

    So I would say deliver first before you are warning people about actually spending time playing. 

    Also if I'm allowed to give you one tip: 
    Pick a goddamn date and build a hype around it. It is called pre-launch marketing. 

    Not doing this shows not having a marketing team at all. 

    (I'm hyped for this game, so I express my enthusiasm in frustration) 

    I see this shit, makes me mad, build hype like 2 years in advance and everyone hyped from announcement died down, and then I don't even have an ETA for how long that beta is gonna be after the modules so no clue if the $30 package is even worth it, not to mention its a scam IMO because you pay $15 and don't even get beta access, that should be the base game. Thats a cash grab, the devs seem to be working well but fuck the dude behind that shit, wastin my time and money

    • Like 1

  7. I mean you can do that on your own, nobody can stop you, sell like 10k for $5 or something

    Who knows if anyone is tryhard enough to buy it though

  8. you wait a timer when you die to be revived I'm pretty sure, no clue if there will be an option to just respawn instead, idk how long the timer was they said it in a podcast somewhere I forgot

  9. On 1/4/2016 at 8:34 AM, Killswitch said:

    Because if its anything like Altis Life, it will be this way.

    This is also easier to implement than having people who are offline from reporting for jury duty. Because that would be just silly. 

    its also gonna be silly that everyones gonna say guilty as a joke lmao

    Then again people who do jury duty probably take the game serious

  10. my opinion is that the $30 package isn't a smart option, you could literally buy the game twice, for that extra 15 you get to play identity's version of

    secondlife 2.0 module 1

    csgo module 2

    dirt 3 module 3

    in order

    even though its all going to be available when it comes out, and of course nobody is telling us how long that betas going to be, some betas last a year, some last a month, 0 clue how long identity's is going to be

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  11. On 1/5/2018 at 2:13 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    1. No, no one is playing yet.

    2. The first Module will be out on 21st March 2018, the other 2 modules soon after before the beta and then finally the full game. We only have the first date for Module 1, which anyone with "Founder" and above has access to the modules and beta.

    3. You can stream in the modules and the Beta once you start playing.


    On 1/5/2018 at 2:13 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    1. No, no one is playing yet.

    2. The first Module will be out on 21st March 2018, the other 2 modules soon after before the beta and then finally the full game. We only have the first date for Module 1, which anyone with "Founder" and above has access to the modules and beta.

    3. You can stream in the modules and the Beta once you start playing.

    What is the first module even going to consist of before anyone even bothers buying the double price package

    Thats what a lot of people would like to know, and of course more information

  12. 5 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Depends on the crime, If you murder someone then you will keep the wanted level until you go prison but other crimes mean that your wanted level will decrease over time I am sure.

    Good way to deal with RDM, even a little

    which they say is gonna be regulated by a stress system/mechanic but people obviously will find a way to abuse it, there isn't a way to let that flow naturally and not interfere with the game

  13. 3 hours ago, ExactAkatsuki said:

    Sorry for the mini-necro. Like LUCKYDUCK said, they won't know unless they're wanted for something. Other than that expect it to be looked into as if the given info is true until proven otherwise.

    they said when PD investigates the crime it'll give them a general area of where the suspect is at when they take it to the crime lab or something, thats what I heard

  14. On 12/22/2017 at 9:43 PM, lilyxniz said:

    That definitely won't happen.

    You're wrong, identity is going to be a mix of hardcore RPer's and second lifers and just regular dudes who came from Arma public RP, and people from GMOD and ARMA whitelist RP servers, all RP servers of games widely known to hand out recipes