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Posts posted by ValyaLady

  1. Thank You all :)

    I I've already had a similar experience on another platform for more than five years ... catalog, show room and fashion shows.
    Fantastic and fun experience with great satisfaction and lots of passionate customers.
    Also, a few million products sold and a very interesting income for platform owners ... considering (less or more) I took 25% of the profits and they 75%. ;)

  2. why not to open few sub-areas of the Forum targeted on different languages and countries?

    I am an italian living in a french language country and I see everyday not all the people can discuss or write in english language.

    Maybe it can be good to have specific discussion boards by language-country for "no-english speaking" users.

    • Like 1

  3. I agree that quality requires all the time it takes.

    Better to wait for a good product to use rather than having the satisfaction of starting, but being disappointed and having trouble using it.

    Anyway, I think that having an exploratory version, even defective and incomplete, can help developers find errors and bugs faster through users reports... so I hope to see the "test" version soon, testing it to improve it :)

    • Like 1

  4. I agree with HairyGrenade: 3D modeling it's hard if you want to create good models... working in this platform.

    You need to create a good mesh with the right balance of quality-look and weight (poly number).

    You need to create and put the textures, then set reflections, bumps and other details.

    After that, in a dynamic platform like this one, you need to work on physique and collision... matching with the Platform World settings. So the work is hard also after the mesh-model ready. :)



    • Like 1

  5. Hello,

    I know it is technically hard but I would love to have a Fashion Show Room.

    Ofc, if clothes and shoes are already in a General-Global Shop that cant work, but maybe It will be possible to buy an "exclusive sale" for some products with a fee.

    The best solution, for me, will be to create my own product to sell... but I know this feature will be not improved at the moment.

    I had a good success with my creations in other platforms so I cross fingers for this career opportunity HERE... hoping to have the possibility in the future.


    have a great day to all,


    • Like 1

  6. Hello all,

    Virtual Worlds like SecondLife (and now Sansar), IMVU, Warcraft and others... work, grow, evolve and make "economy" thanks to a Big Market of Creations by the Players-Accounts-Avatars-Users.

    That can expand faster the possibilities and increase the speed of development.

    So, my suggestion is to open the possibility to the users to make stuff... with the supervision-selection of an Art Director, part of the official Team.

    That can be a secondary market with limits decided by the Identity Team.

    1. Development will be fast and more creative thanks to the contribution of User-Creators
    2. Economy and Item Shop will grow incredibly
    3. Identity can be more attractive for new user because of the amount of items and possibilities.
    4. Users-Creators will have the possibility to have a micro-economy selling stuff and making money (with a fee to give) and having a great Job-Career
    5. Motivation for User-Creator will be very high and Brand New products will come continuously

    That works great with other platforms... so, why not here?

    Example: Sansar by LindenLab (the new platform) Team can focus on the development of the platform and the features.

    thanks for the attention,


    • Like 2

  7. Ok, thank you so much :)

    Merci beaucoup pour ta reponse vite et efficace, aussi si j'aimerais bien de contribuer à tout ça.

    J'ai eu un bon succès dans un autre monde virtuel donc... je voulais m'amuser à créer un peu ici.


    Merci et bonne soirée



  8. Ciao Gianni,

    anche io sono italiana e anche io creo oggetti 3D (meshes e textures) ed ho il desiderio di creare anche in questo mondo virtuale.

    Non ho ancora capito se esiste una versione beta test da provare e la possibilità di creare... ma sono nuova e spero di capirne di più col tempo.


    Ciao e buona giornata-serata,



  9. Hello all :)
    I am brand new here and I am a bit lost.

    It already exist a beta version to test?

    It exist the possibility to make items (3D meshes and/or textures)? I am interested to develop content.


    Thanks to all and have a great day,
