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Posts posted by PlayerUnknown

  1. 3 hours ago, Omerta said:

    A bit of a heads up buddy having multiple forum accounts is against the rules so you may want to rethink going public. Unless of course you really have no useful information and are just trying to send a message that you should be "feared" and have power over the populace. That would explain why you are going public as being silent would be far more effective than drawing lots of unwanted attention. Personally If I was gathering information across members on the forums I would want to stay hidden and use the mysterious statues not only to my advantage but to avoid prosecution from forum moderators. That or you're just a media whore who just wants attention.

    This is my first forum account. I began my journey on the identity subreddit and discord, I have not needed a forum account until now. 

    As for your other claims, believe me I have influence. Not for irrelevant people like yourself, but for the ones who really matter, I am in their business. I obviously cannot name names, but I have a plan in action with two politicians which will ensure a winner. 

    You'll see.

  2. Hello.

    Some of you may know me, some of you may not.

    I have very close connections with many members of this community, and over time I have been using those connections to gain information. Information which could lead to the unfortunate dismay of anyone who crosses me. 

    I cannot reveal much, but I have extreme influence over some powerful figures in this community.

    I have decided to go public with this so I can begin to give and get what I want to anyone I want, not just those who already have worked for me.

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