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Posts posted by InsomniaDoodles

  1. 3 hours ago, Discorded said:

    refund while you can, the devs keep pushing the game back and have had people waiting years for this game and the 1st module isnt even out


    I only paid $30, so I'm not nervous about it. I would be annoyed if the Dev team DIDN'T do twitch streams regularly, but they do. They are making visible progress, and engaging with the community. I doubt if this is failing. Just relax and be patient. 


  2. Is there any way the dev team can give us a number of players who have purchased a passport so far? I'm really curious to see how far spread the game has become.

    Also, have there been any announcements regarding when we will be able to see the game on Steam? I know the module will be released in April, but I'm wondering if the game will be visible on Steam before then. (If you want to add me as a friend, here is my Steam profile.)


  3. On 9/7/2016 at 7:58 PM, Arky said:

    I just wanna play D&D on PC. But I've got zero clue where to play it.

    Look up a website called “Roll20”. It’s a place where you can go join a D&D game online with tools and stuff to that make it just as good as playing in person. Go to the forums and look for DMs who want more players in their game, or you can make your own.

    Fellow D&D addict here, usually the bard.

  4. 10 hours ago, Rinyuaru-Kun said:

    I have no idea where or when, but I feel familiar with you and your work... Could just be my imagination, or maybe we've talked on the Internet once?

    Anyway, I think players won't be able to import actual 3D objects into the game, but rather use existing assets to create some (I could be mistaken, of course)

    I’m all over the internet, so it’s entirely possible. I’ve been on DeviantArt since 2011, and I have a pretty active YouTube account. Also on Twitch and Twitter. 

    I’ve been following the progress of Identity pretty closely and the devs have hinted that they might allow custom content, but I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see! 

  5. 3 hours ago, Rinyuaru-Kun said:

    Hey, I think I know you from your IRL activity! Cheers! :D

    That aside, it's quite nice to have actual artists joining the game, I think I might use your services way too often :)

    Small world! Where have we seen each other before?

    Thank you! I'm actually taking a 3D modeling class specifically so I can make content for this game. 

  6. I’m InsomniaDoodles on Twitch and YouTube. I am definitely looking forward to making some videos of my gameplay. I’ll mostly be streaming on Twitch, but I plan to make highlight videos I can put on my YouTube channel. 

    Hit me up if you need some pawns in your game. I’m happy to assist even though my main goal in Identity is to socialize and start a smal business in-game.

  7. Hello, hello!

    I go by InsomniaDoodles pretty much everywhere on the internet, but my name is Sunny. I’m an artist, more of a hobbyist than anything really, but I am looking forward to applying my skills(?) to this game somehow. I’m hoping that they will allow custom clothing and environment aspect designs, because I would definitely jump on the chance to make some in-game money doing just that. Custom commissions, original work, etc.

    Anyway, here is my intro. I’m just a 27 year-old housewife who has a ton of free time thanks to some pain-in-the-ass health conditions that keep me stuck at home. I don’t care to say much more about that, however. I’m here to escape reality, after all. 

    I’m eager for the devs to announce the release date! I’ll be buying my passport as soon as that announcement comes. (No rush, devs. Take all the time you need to get everything ready!)

    -Insomnia (Sunny)

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