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Posts posted by Calaster

  1. Actually no they aren't @Pinkieseb. Everyone seems to be misinformed. They said they would publish the game to steam BY October 31st. They kept this promise and made a forum post about it. (One could question it's legitimacy, certainly not me, but nevertheless that's not what you're debating) As everyone has already commented (though you've seemed to missed the millions of replys across the forum stating exactly what I am about to say), after publication, their is a review process and a bunch of other tid bits that need to be gathered by steam, and reviewed. I might not have released any games, but having I do have a Steam Developers license. When you receive this, they state it very clear the process it takes to get a game up and running on steam. This information is readily available to non developers as well, with a quick Google search. With all of this in mind, I ask you. How are they 4 days behind? What deadline? The last deadline that was made and missed was in April. Unless you're extremely bad at counting days, weeks, and months, then that ain't it chief. Check your facts before bitching on the forums. 

    Thanks, and have a pleasant day!

    P.S. Good Job Identity on moving another step forward! Keep up the good work! Looking forward to testing the modules and getting a little glimpse at what Identity is going to be offering! 

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