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Posts posted by DROWSYD3M0N1C

  1. that's all great info for me,I'll try to clarify a little, what I mean for question 2, I know it will be available on steam @ full release, I was looking at the $30 pack which would give me beta access, founder hat and passport, but if I purchase through the website now, upon full release, will we be able to have steam recognize the game as a steam game.
    for example, I have an old copy of GRID, not bought through steam, I've added it to the list, but it just shows as a non steam game, and it tracks nothing in the sense of hours played, achievements, no link to store page, ETC. had the same thing with witcher 3 since it was obtained through GOG, no time tracked, no achievements etc.
    or would this just break systems trying to have that happen?


  2. if I purchase this today, what do I get today?
    will there be a way to link the game to my steam account so it shows in my game list? rather than adding it and it showing as a non-steam game, and having it not track any stats.
    are we going to see the reprisal of GTA V's BS where you walk outside only to be met with instant death.
    I did not see this one detailed anywhere either, maybe I missed it.>>what are the plans for player count per server? seems most games stick to aprox 16 players per server, which would make for some pretty small boring places.
    and plans for dealing with cheaters/hackers?