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Posts posted by Blackmist220

  1. 2 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Just won't be a possible thing as you will have to rent a server from selected; trusted server providers as you will not be able to host off of your own machines/ have a dedicated box etc.

    I wasn't meaning like a actual at home box i was talking about the dedicated box a rented one. Sorry if that was worded weirdly i was really tired.

  2. The goal that i has been so far is is to have a hardcore RP server with a player driver basically everything and this is still something im looking at because im still building everything though. I thought it would be a good idea to bring people in early to get feed back and see what they would want from a community or a server.

    I do plan on opening a NA Server first and move to open other ones later on, And this may not seem like much but i do plan on keeping it all donations free meaning i wont be looking for donations to support the server in any way everything is payed out of my own money. I Expect to have almost everything ready upon opening of a server, and the server ill be played on to be a very large and powerful pox or what ever i can get my hands on.

    And again this is all up int eh air I wish to bring people in to help basically build the system ive been using for years that gives all the powers to the players in more way then one. ( I try to give as much power to people so they decide what rules and thing like that they want. )

  3. Hello, From Forever Sky [ Temp Name ]

    The Gaming community is a a large one, and has many great community. But it has a a lot of bad ones that make it hard to compete for a player base. This community is looking for new people to help build and develop basically everything. The end goal is to run a Strict RP [ Possibly white listed community ] for identity that people can do just about thing they so desire. If you wish to join or see requirements to join contact Brian Lithlock though the discord.

    - Minimum Age Requirement : 15


    Discord Info : 

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