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Posts posted by Jinx

  1. Actually, from a roleplaying point of view an MC makes a lot of sense for this type of game simply because, as a biker, you can operate/play both sides of the fence. You can take part in everyday life and, if you are actually a criminal, take part in activities outside of 'normal' everyday life.

    In most games 'criminal' is just an excuse for causing mayhem, players who often wear that tag can't seem to grasp that criminals should actually try to operate under the radar......i.e avoid being KNOWN as a criminal,, let alone avoid being caught. IF (and thats a big if) MC's are run as they should be in Identity then they are the perfect cover for crime, because, in reality, not everyone in an MC is actually a criminal. However, if MC's are run just as crime gangs, then yeah, there will be problems.

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  2. My main concern is 'GTA syndrome'. The very last thing I want is for Identity to go down the road where it becomes little more than GTA Online with frills. I understand that it's a game, but at the same time I also understand that it has to be fun for everyone, once crime becomes the norm, once there is a kidnapping every twenty minutes, it'll get old fast. Crime will play a big part in the rise or fall of Identity, but if it gets to the point where the 'social' players stop logging in, then it'll be in trouble. I think to succeed, Identity is going to have to fully appeal to a broader range of play styles, and appeal to them in the long term & just like in real life, a high rate of crime is going to drive those players away. Hopefully a broad range of server types will sort that out, but I guess we'll see.

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  3. Hey Herz :),  Basically in the real world a Club House tends to be what the club can get/afford (if you take a look on Google you'll see the huge variety) and so far as far as customization goes, from what has been mentioned so far, it doesn't look like we'll be able to customize the exterior of buildings which is really all that an MC tends to do.

  4. We'll be getting one for certain. We've talked a lot about it, and while it is going to be designated as a roleplay server, it's not in the conventional sense. We will expect, at the very least, that people will play their role realistically, i.e. criminals who try to get away with a crime, as opposed to the GTA stereotype 'bad ass'. While only a couple of us have played Altis Life, most of us have seen many video's of it, and the kind of 'wild west' game play you see in most of them is definitely not what we will be looking for. If folks want to adopt a 'persona' as well, well that's fine too, but we feel that due to the real life setting of Identity that this conventional view of roleplay will not be necessary in order for folks to adopt a role.

  5. On 2/12/2016 at 11:56 AM, Johnny said:

    Do you actually have something wrong with you? I see you posting stupid shit all over the forums, annoying people, and just overall polluting everything with your cancerous shite. Please don't buy this game. It's nothing like GTA or Saints Row, it's about roleplay, which I can tell you won't be able to do.

    Wow, really? I've seen quite a few of your posts about ''roleplay'' & how this game is going to be all about that, as someone pointed out to you in another thread, that's not true. It'll depend on what kind of server you play on. You call yourself a 'hardcore' roleplayer and yet, via a forum outside of the game world, you've already established yourself as the Don of a mafia family AND a member of a crime commission, word to the wise here Johnny......'hardcore' would be spawning into Identity with just the clothes on your back & then actually trying to establish yourself as a mobster, forming a family, and actually working your way to the top, not by telling everyone on a forum that you're a Mafia Don and you deserve respect. Or should we all play by your rules?.....hmmm, okay then............

    So my char' is going to be the Attorney General,, and after and intensive investigation spanning ten years I know all about your Crime Commission & my office has got you all on RICO charges.....starting to see how this DOESN'T work yet Johnny? See Johnny, in roleplay GAMES it's always been the tradition that the char' you choose starts at the bottom (okay so you're a level 1 wizard with 2 spells) and earn your way to greatness by actually taking part in the game......which is why we'll all be starting at the bottom in Identity (well not you obviously). You're not roleplaying, you're metagaming.......

    Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

    In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions.

    ...........you don't speak for me Johnny, & you don't speak for Asylum, so before telling anyone else not to buy this game, and quoting rules at them, how about you find out what the rules actually ARE.

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  6. 11 hours ago, AndrewDonaldson said:

    Haven't seen a motor cycle club yet. Sounds interesting. Where are you going to hideout though? Most of the cities are run by Mafia Families, so probably don't get in their way. Or do, and pay the price! Or better yet, make sure you have their permission. Just my advice. 

    First of all, MC's don't 'hide out', they hide in plain sight. Their club houses are not,, in any way,, secret, and the Mafia have been known to hire MC members as bodyguards & hitmen. MC's are also NOT criminal organizations, rather some of their members commit crimes, (although the FBI would argue that).