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Posts posted by MauriceClinton

  1. Really a lot of great worker. You are the working class. We want to fight with you for your will and your rights. Destroy your opponents !! Stand up and fight for your power with the Radical Democrats. This is your battle!

  2. On 20.8.2017 at 9:59 AM, Montaxx said:

    Nah, just joking.

    Just wanted to get you guys in here.


    I'm from Germany and want to be a smuggler in identity.

    Also I'm  a webdeveloper and webdesigner, that'll create a little community for german players with TS3 Servers etc. for you. So stay tuned!


    On 20.8.2017 at 10:28 AM, Gamepilz said:

    Grüßgott from Austria :D


    On 20.8.2017 at 11:37 AM, psferox said:

    Grüße aus NRW :)


    On 30.8.2017 at 1:54 PM, TheLeipers said:

    Servus :D


    On 31.8.2017 at 6:44 PM, Nexion said:

    Also auf das würde ich auch gut finden  nur wo adden wir uns ? in steam an besten erstmal ?  ich mache dann für mich eine kleine Gruppe  in meiner freundesliste damit ich sehe wer das spiel spielt :)

    für die jenigen die interesse haben   ich heise da Pixel #GER   habe  auch ein Bild von mir drinnen :)

    Hallo liebe Leute und Neuankömmlinge,

    Es ist immer wieder schön Deutsche hier zu haben. Ich bin selber Deutscher und bin seit kurzem Gouverneuren-Kandidat der Radikal-Demokratischen Linkspartei (Radical Democratic Left Party). Ich kandidiere, weil ich euren Willen (der Wille des Volkes) durchsetzen will. Ich arbeite daran den Bastarden eine totale politische Breitseite zu verpassen. Ich akzeptiere LGBTs Rechte und halte total an der Meinungsfreiheit und an euren Menschenrechten fest.  Kein Mensch soll geknechtet werden oder bestraft wegen einer winzig kleiner Sache. Eure Probleme werden von der Politiker hier einfach in den Müll geworfen! Ich will sie beseitigen und ich nehme euch ernst. Wenn ihr die Radikaldemokraten unterstützen wollt, schreibt mir oder macht es offenkundig. ICH LASSE NICHT ZU, DASS BASTARDE AN DAS AMT GELANGEN.

     Liebe Grüße Vorsitzender und Kandidat Maurice Clinton.



  3. 6 hours ago, DLimit said:

    Is one willing to change the "RDLP" to "A.R.M." or "A.R.C." in order to represent the "Anti-Right Movement" or "Anti-Right Coalition"? It would surely benefit the coalition/movement against Capitalism and Fascism as a collective.

    Yes of course, we have a a lot of poster. We can make more of them :D

  4. Lovely People,

    We Radical Democrats want a peaceful and friendly Identity-Island. We follow "the Will of the People". We want to take the problems of the people seriously and we want to fight against the problems. The problems are they: The Unified Party, The Roman-Catholic Party and the Royal Family Party


    • Like 2

  5. 8 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    How could you say that about me? You don't know me, and I've given no impression that poor people don't matter! I know what it's like being poor! Where do people like you get these accusations from, it really makes no sense why you guys just pop up and say these things about people! 

    This is election campaign. You have to get harder. And if it became personal now, then I apologize for it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Mutant_Pig said:

    As of now the Roman Catholic Party does not support Gay Marriage. Once again if you would have read my policies gay relationships and other organizations are not illegal.

    Well, I support it, you don't.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Mutant_Pig said:

    Since lying is both a sin and unappealing to the lord I can assure you I am not.


    I am Christian myself, but I am also left, so I support the Christian Left. And that is much better than Catholicism.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPPirBAAc1T_747Ic9Xe7

    You will absolutly never support that. That's really sad.

    • Like 1

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mutant_Pig said:

    I would greatly appreciate it if you would read my parties policies and believes before attempting to slander us. We specifically state that we do not want to do everything Catholic. While many policies are influenced by Catholic doctrine all other religions will be accepted and encouraged to still follow there believes, as it is the Catholic way of life. Also there will be no Church tax. 

    That's what you say now, but if you're honest, that's the question. There you lie to yourself.

  9. 14 minutes ago, BrianHamilton said:

    Better to gain support in advance.


    I look forward to seeing which answers you have provided in your interview in comparison to mine.

    Best of luck!

    Haha Me too :D

  10. 14 minutes ago, Mutant_Pig said:

    Vote for the Roman Catholic Party. Removing immoral politicians from the top of Politics!


    First, the Identity-Island should not be ruled Catholic.

    And second, There is still freedom of religion and apparently you want to do everything Catholic. Well then, dear people, look forward to church tax if you like it or not. The church tax. A work of Catholics

    Not with us! For Freedom of Religion and for the LGBT Rights. They should marry, that's not bad. That's not a problem for the world.

    Greetings Chairman Maurice Clinton

    VOTE RDLP (Radical Democratic Left Party)

  11. On 15.10.2017 at 7:51 AM, MexicanTakeout said:

    I want my gun to be the one to save your life the one when you hear something in your house at night you come get me the one you put in your life behind it. Hello we are the Stone Firearms and Weaponry TM we want you as a person of identity to trust us to trust you as a good person for our firearms. We want to make the island of identity a safer place starting with our guns. 

    That's a great thing. You will be able to help people guaranteed and we love that explicitly. Radical Democrats love your great idea. We want to do that in politics. We want to help the working class and the middle stand and we want to end their problems. When you have questions, ask Radical Democrats. Greetings Chairman Maurice Clinton


  12. 6 hours ago, LuciousTimes said:

    The Royal Family does not bring interest to statements only intended to slander. Candidates that are more concerned about shaming other candidates versus making themselves shine due to who they are just bring shame to their own party. The Royal Family is not class biased, I personally have no interest in people's money, only their character.

    Haha, But that's politics of attacking others in the election campaign. Don't you know that? That's really sad.