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Posts posted by TornApartGaming

  1. Hello! I have some questions about the real game and some suggestions.

    My questions are...

    How often will you earn money from your job?

    How many jobs will there be?


    Put the game up on steam. (My parents only buy me games on steam.)

    Make the map bigger maybe?

    Make the game have a push to talk. (If that isn't something that you already are working on having.)

  2. Hello. I know I might type a lot of these topic thingies, But I have a lot of questions I just come up with on the spot.

    My questions are:

    1. Is there any possible way to like apply for staff on the forums?

    2. What do staffs do?




    I might have some more questions in the future. But for now, That's all.

  3. Hello! I would like to ask some questions about the Town Square Module.

    My question is:

    Are you gonna be able to play it with friends?

    Is it gonna be free or is it gonna cost?

    When is it estimated to come out?

    Thank you for reading and hopefully responding.