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Posts posted by Gellus

  1. A better move would be to get into government, police, and business... also crime. Then one day just announce the GREAT SQUIGGLY TERROR will rise to power.


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  2. I just want to grow and sell some pot to start off with. It will be great. I don't know the numbers needed, but if I could get a group of like-minded fellows together we could put our heads together and make some money. Have day jobs and let our little buds grow. :) Eventually, i want to make enough money to branch into more legal business. So we seem less shady. This is real rough draft, but I think if i get the right people, we can make a little empire.

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  3. Also, drops in market happen in a pattern, so when you see a correction (a yearly dip) or a bear market rearing it's face (happens every 5 years on average) buy :P.  Enough stock market stuff! I'm here to fantasize about a game.

  4. True steady long term investments are in index funds. generally, .50% fee annually, compared to 2%-5% with actively managed mutual funds. 2%-5% doesn't seem like a lot until you do the math on lost compound interest over 30 years. It turns out you lose like 1/3 of your nest egg. 

    Also, index funds (The market) beat actively managed mutual funds 98% of the time in a 15-year window. Don't invest on "huge returns", or "get rich quick" schemes. 98% of the most educated and experienced people in the world lose in the long run. The 2% that beat it won't take less than a $100 million at a time or are closed to the public. That's what I've found to be true. Been making an average of 9% rti for about a decade now.