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Posts posted by gajic_bret

  1. Vozdovac, little city in little country Serbia. Location: Balkans, Miodrag Baskalovic ran Vozdovacki Clan back in Serbia. In early 90s the clan was raided by police, they confiscated all drugs and blood money from their safe house. After that Aleksandar Knezevic escaping police in USA. Aleksandar was nicknamed Knele by his last name Knezevic, he tried to establish his rule in USA. After Aleksandar's death, Nemanja Maksimovic called Max inherited Knele's small reign. Today Max rules some small blocks around the USA cities having connections everywhere and his hands in drugs, money and guns.




    You must respect higher ranks than you.

    No Y/O limit, just don't act like real kidos.

    Do not TK.

    Do not snitch.

    Do not start beef/war with some other factions without me knowing that.

    If you want to RP with us, PM me.