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Posts posted by yellowhero12

  1. 1 hour ago, KifDawg said:

    i question what the taxes go to other than police, ambulance, firefighter (also wonder what firefighters will be doing 98% of the time)

    With no road maintenance, military (other than policing), healthcare (disease's etc) 

    Not sure what else the taxes are used for since there isnt any options to keep building infrastructure. 
    I mean a flat rate of 10% of everyone including the govt workers seems like WAY more than enough to pay a couple dozen officers, unless my idea of this scale is way off lol.

    Its hard to wrap my head around numbers until you know max server size, police ratio, how important fire and medics will be etc.

    Still, all exciting thoughts.

    Didn't really realize how much stuff in real life that the government needs to operate doesn't really apply within the game

  2. Odds are, even if corruption is against the official server rules, it will be very hard to stop. The admins probably won't mind if some cops occasionally get paid to look the other way, but the real problem is the entire police force of a server getting paid off to allow huge crime organizations to do as they please, without fear of arrest or police interference.

  3. 4 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    As I said, the quality of life would be great, IF regulated properly!

    It is impossible to create exact policy when the game is not released! But it is obvious you are more educated in this aspect than myself! Please explain some details and then I may give some of my thoughts!

    Well Teddy Roosevelt used The Sherman Anti-Trust Act to prosecute owners of Trusts. His Attorney General was the one bringing the cases to court, and the Supreme Court ruled in the matter and usually dissolved the trusts. Roosevelt only went after trusts he deemed "bad", obviously this will be hard to emulate assuming there are going to be many servers. I think we can both agree that there are some good trusts, but how will you prevent the formation of bad trusts?

    • Like 1

  4. 6 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    If regulated properly, it can have the best of quality! Teddy Roosevelt knew how to regulate properly!

    What specific policy would you enact? It would be impracticable to go on a case by case basis, as Teddy Roosevelt did. Also, you didn't answer my other question. What do you think about the quality of life during the era of trusts and monopolies? 

  5. 44 minutes ago, Villasenor said:

    Maybe they can make it voice navigated?

    That would be a good idea, but would most likely be in an update, as they would need a voice actor to narrate every single road on a 200km island. But who knows, cars are being made last so it's hard to tell for now.

  6. 5 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    Free market determines all, the demand will determine who is in power!




    I love politics, that why I have no companies or businesses! I only care about this!


    As stated in question market will determine! Government will have little oversight!

    What do you think about the quality of life during the era of trusts and monopolies? Additionally, What is your opinion on Teddy Roosevelt?(More specifically his policies towards trusts/monopolies) 

  7. 6 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    There is no debate with a man that has a mind set in stone! You we're set on Hetch and deliberately against me before I even gave my initial response! I do not wish to argue and fight! It's just ridiculous, I have my policies the other candidates have theirs! Whichever suits you best go with that candidate! If Hetch is that candidate for you then by all means go with him, but don't bring vex to me! 

    Considering that the actual election won't take place for at least 3 months, I doubt anybody has their mind set in stone. Either way that doesn't make debate pointless. As I said before, many people who will decide the outcome of the election have not even joined yet, so when they do they deserve to see every side of the politics. They also deserve to see how a candidate would respond to counter arguments. The debate is not for the good of me or the good of you, the debate is for the good of the potential voters. Most debates in real world politics are between two people who have their minds set in stone already, and only wish to demonstrate why their policies are better than their counterpart's. I also want to know where I misinterpreted you, as I quoted most of your statements that I responded to, and the rest are common knowledge.

    There are a few questions specifically that I would like an answer to

    • 1. What will you do to stop the formation of monopolies and trusts? Or, if you plan on doing nothing, do you support the formation of trusts and monopolies?
    • 2. Do you believe that all people, regardless of how long they have participated in any forms of Identity, deserve the fair chance to become Mayor/Governor?

    3. How do the people know, even if you hand over control of your companies, that you will not have any preferential treatment or conflict of interest if you are elected Mayor/Governor?

    4. If you do privatize Healthcare like you stated you will, how will you ensure that rates won't skyrocket due to the formation of trusts/monopolies? (You may disregard this questions depending on your answer to question 1)

    Please answer these questions with actual policies that you will put in place(if applicable)


    • Like 1

  8. 8 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    I know who I am and what I'm trying to do! You misinterpret me! It's alright, I "suck ass" in your opinion!

    I see your lack of a legitimate response as a white flag. If you aren't willing to debate then it just shows that you are not suited to be our leader. 

    Please people, just vote for someone else

  9. 6 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    Motown informed me that all party details won't play part in the game!


    Taxes are only ideology until we actually have the game to base ideas off of!


    I don't know how long you've been around, but I turned myself in whiles ago and served time as example that crime would not be tolerated!


    I'm aware I made the statement, if I may ask... who was it directed towards?

    Your opinion... is your opinion! It does not upset me! But my policies are what I believe, that's why I place them! Not because their popular, that would be Idiotic! 

    So some of your policies are there for RP reasons, understood, but the rest of my post still stands. 

    Just for the record, I am very Right leaning, but even ideologically this tax rate makes zero sense. While I agree a post-profit tax would lead to quicker job creation in the short term, this can lead to trusts and monopolies growing so powerful that 9/10 small businesses will fail. It doesn't seem like you have any proposed regulation stopping one person from controlling all the businesses on the island, which destroys the competition and lowers the quality of living. It seems like your policies are very elitist friendly, which leaves the common man with a less than ideal government(if you are elected) 

    You made that statement about your supporters using any means necessary towards Bobby Cruz(correct me if i'm wrong) who is another candidate. Most people would say that is a form of indirect intimidation. 

    Also, if you turned yourself in you would still serve life in prison. 

    You actually responded again while I was writing this, 


    @yellowhero12 Do you not find it disrespectful to come out of no where after only recently joining, slander my name, and show hatred for someone you only have assumptions about? 

    So first of all, you shouldn't have to be a longtime member just to speak out about politics. This just further proves your ignorance, if politics is dominated by a small circle of longtime members, this destroy competition, even though you said that you supported political competition. I would assume that most people who will be voting when the game is released haven't even joined the forums yet, so I don't think it would be wise to criticize me for being new. Additionally, I never said I hated you, I said that you were narcissistic and that you were not as good as the other candidates. If you think criticism is disrespectful then you probably shouldn't have gone into politics. 

    I don't only have assumptions about you, while I admit that some of my criticisms were based on hearsay, I don't think that invalidates them. Many people would agree that you have changed most of your platform after receiving harsh criticism. You compare yourself to Trump and Obama, but I believe you are more like Hillary, you are very disingenuous and care solely on winning the election, not the benefit of the people.

    This is getting pretty lengthy so


    Lucious can't take criticism, is an elitist, and flip flops

    Just vote for Thomas Hetch c: 

  10. On 5/13/2017 at 0:02 PM, LORD_PRIME said:

    I think a governor should not have power to tax or make other decisions, it more like a dictator, there should be a senate or something that control a crazy mayor or governor. Something like a 9 member Senate or something like that.

    There probably will be different departments with different powers, for example, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, ect. I do agree that the mayor shouldn't have consolidated power. 

  11. It seems like you changed the tax rates to what most people think is an acceptable level(I personally like the tax rates), I am definitely voting for you. I don't think we share the exact same policies, but you are much better than that self centered, flip flopping, elitist, idiot that calls himself Lucious Times. I'm aware that you might not be able to make inflammatory comments about other candidates, but if I had to jump from his ego all the way down to his IQ, I would much rather have your Healthcare plan than his. Your campaign is a lot more respectable than his, as he changed almost every single policy just to get elected, and your only changes were logistical(i.e. tax rates). Hope you win c:


    Lucious sucks ass and your pretty chill

  12. I have a few questions, hopefully they can be answered

    1. Wouldn't Foreign Policy, Abortion, Security and Defense, Gay Rights, Campaign Finance Reform, Immigration, and Social Security be irrelevant in the context of Identity?

    2. How are you going to handle taxes if the game doesn't allow a post-profit tax?

    3. Wouldn't you have been arrested for many counts of Conspiracy and Murder(according to your backstory)?


    Many who support me (good and bad) will do the needed to ensure I win and I don't want you to get in their way.

    4. Doesn't it seem like an attempt to intimidate opponents to make statements like this?

    I personally think you are very narcissistic and your policies are simply just popular opinion clumped together, which causes illogical and contradictory policies. Definitely the worst candidate IMO. 

  13. 2 hours ago, KadenGames said:

    I have a 750 TI, with a quad core q6600 2.4 ghz and 8gbs ddr2 ram. I can run multiplayer arma 3 at 20-30 FPS depending on the server, and 70 FPS singleplayer. I can run gta 5 at like 40 FPS. Depending on the area. should i be Okay? because identity IS supposed to be more "optimized" than arma 3. 

    It depends on what graphics settings you use for these games, if you use the Low graphics preset you might have some trouble running the game well, but if you use Medium or High then you should be able to run Identity. Obviously this is mostly speculation as I don't believe any Minimum/Recommended specs have been released for the game or modules.

  14. There already have been a few people who asked about the realism of the economy,(Link to similar postAnother Link ), but my question is a little more specific. I saw the page for one of the candidates for governor(or mayor, not really sure), and he said that he would have a flat tax rate of 10%. My question is this, if the economy is realistic wouldn't this be insanely low for a flat tax rate and if not, would an ideal tax rate(one which would be sufficient enough for the government to run effectively) be higher or lower than this?


    Is 10% a viable tax rate for Identity? What would be one?

    There is a good chance that there aren't a huge amount of people who actually know for a fact how government spending and taxes work, so opinions/ hypotheses welcome c:

    • Like 1

  15. On 6/17/2017 at 10:21 PM, njayminsim1115 said:

    Age doesn't matter for games, since there's a mute button.

    A lot of RP games suffer from having young kids(like 12 and under) who just try to RDM and go on mass murder sprees. I do agree with you about all non-RP games though.

  16. On 6/7/2017 at 2:44 PM, Gamepilz said:

    Okay, I am a kid ( I`m 15 ) , but where's the probleme?

    I can do RP very well and speak German,France,Latin and English, so I'm for sure more intelligent then some older players :D


    I wouldn't call someone over 14 a kid, but they most likely are worried about the 12 year old assholes who grind for a gun then start a mass murder spree. I would be worried too, as this problem is the pitfall for most RP game modes with functioning guns. I honestly doubt most people mind a younger person who follows all the rules and attempts to RP playing a game like Identity 

  17. 4 minutes ago, URSAMAJOR03 said:

    Other applicants aren't critiquing each other because it isn't their job. Again, it isn't your job to point out things that are wrong in your opinion. I don't know when I ever lied. I really don't have time for this, so don't expect me to answer back to your assured reply.

    As I said earlier, other applicants aren't critiquing each other because they either got the job or have moved on. You lied when you said that you didn't plagiarize your response. If you have replied this much I really doubt that you don't have time for this. Maybe try using your own words instead of stealing from another source. c;

  18. 6 minutes ago, URSAMAJOR03 said:

    I am glad to see you realize how un-professional you are being. If you want to get technical with plagiarism and somehow reading people's minds from behind your computer screen, then let me tell you that other applicants don't critique other applicants. You had no business criticizing my application. Now, can you please stop? 

    Other applicants aren't critiquing each other because they either already got the job or moved on. I also wouldn't call me pointing out that you lack the common decency to use your own words instead of stealing from another source "technical". Maybe you could try telling the truth and being honest if you don't want criticism.