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Posts posted by Jack_Cicero

  1. On 6/8/2017 at 4:15 AM, BrasilianMasta said:

    This is my first time posting in a game forum.  But this seems like the kinda game that requires real world planning and not being a dumb c*nt when it comes to breaking the law.  Im not going to start the game with extra money so this is real Ground-floor stuff.

    So the main point.  I want 1-3 people to help me start a business, a business of (killing sounds so ugly)... unaliving people.  Let me also say i dont care what assets you have.  The main thing im concerned about is TRUST.  Thats what makes or breaks this kinda thing. Now for what I want to do.  I want a small group of people who have day jobs.  Who dont attack ppl for no reason.  And arnt a total dumbasses.  The main goal is to take out targets for a price/light blackmail maybe some kidnapping.  I also think it would be cool to do some high profile robbery.  But mostly killing people for a price and once we get going, move up to assassinating high profile characters.  These jobs will all be planned as if it were real life.

    thx for reading hmu if youre interested or have ideas for how do to do this or things i could do that relate to this.

    i am most certainly down