Though I see and hair perfectly, I wouldn't mind seeing options like that for the people less fortunate with their senses. Whenever I play a game, whether it is SP or MP, and I browse the options I'm always happy when I find those accessibility options. It tells me the developers sat down and discussed this. Often it's something minor as changed HUD colors for people who are (partially) color blind. Sometimes they go even further indeed with magnification, visual cues where otherwise an audio cue would be, or vice versa. But as LuckyDuck said, I also doubt they are working on that at the moment. If they do it would most likely be after the full release. But I do hope they start on it during the full closed beta period, as that would be perfect. And that only counts IF they even add those options. But if I would have to guess, I'd say they'll at least try it. They are very nice humane people. You know what, I'll ask this question for you on one of next week's live streams, and hope I will get a reply as to their thoughts on this.   @Asher I checked up on this and the answer is a fortunate YES! There are already some systems in place. But we'll have to find out what exactly. I'm aware this is not something you have issues with, but for others: do not forget this is a very VOICE driven game. So for people who have a hard time speaking -while there is a text chat- will have a hard time either way.
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