Welcome to Identity's Forum Page Congratulations for already making it this far. Finding a forum page can be difficult for the new player. You may be wondering what exactly you do on a forum page, or you know what a forum page is, but unsure how to navigate the complex layers of topics. In order to be able to comment or create your own topic on Identity's Forum pages, follow these simple steps. 1) Create a Identity Forum account. Top right corner of your screen. It should only take several minutes. 2) Once created you can customize your profile. Create a signature, background, and profile picture. -As long as it's appropriate.  3) Once customized you may now comment, and post your own topics, as well as messaging players. -Please be polite with this new power. 4) You can also read other people's topic. If you want to read about gangs and vigilante groups, click browse, then forums, and scroll down to the careers section of the page and click, "The Hideout" Then you may read whichever topic interests you! All topics are created by real people, with questions and answers. Go crazy!