I'm seeing so many threads made just to suggest the same things over and over again. Truth be told whenever I open the subforum, I always see 70% garbage and 30% well constructed ideas which actually get replied to aswell. Less often do I see an idea having a long discussion. So to avoid the improper use of creating threads, here's a more "twitter" variant. Post away, lads and lasses!  Reminder - Stuff like marriage, families, etc. You already have the tools to roleplay, they don't need to be a feature. EDIT: My own contribution- Free chat, customization, sandbox servers. A server where everything is available for the player to do as they please. Everyone doesn't like spending hours grinding a job to get money and purchase property, sometimes you're just up for tuning a car or dressing your character up a certain way, then just go have a chat with other people. Also it would be great if you could save what you created in sandbox mode, so once you log onto the official server, you can just go and redeem the items for the corresponding amount of cash.