hello community! today i'll tell you how to search properly for topics. 1. step the marked field in the right corner is the searching field. i've marked it red.   2. step when clicking the search field a "All Content" button will appear. if you click it you'll see 4 options:  -All Content (shows you everything) -Topics (this option allows you to search for topics containing the typed in words. we'll call them tags) -Members (allows you to search for members). -Advanced Search (shows you more options) now let's continue with this tutorial   3. step if you click on advanced options you'll get access to more restrictions for your search like showing posts that have been updated in the last 24 hours. but now let's start searching!   4. step if you search for  something you should use the basic form of the tags. let's take an example: we're searching for topics about crafting. we'll use the search tag "craft" without "" because craft is the basic form of crafting. it works the same way with multiple tags like "craft weapon" without "" because the search shows you everything containing both tags. you'll see white marked words. they contain the tags you've searched for. under the searching field you'll see a sentence saying "+ More search options". clicking it will lead you to the already shown advanced options.   and that's it!