The Town Square module has been released for a few days and we've been working tirelessly to get everything sorted over the weekend. 

We did not anticipate the incredible attention which Identity received, and it took some hours to get our systems working under immense load.

The first hotfix below was pushed out yesterday. I'm late posting the notes for that one as we've been busy focusing on more patches.

I expect that we'll be releasing patches with fixes, improvements and/or new content just about every weekday. The next update is expected to released in a few hours, and so the patch notes are also below.
  Hotfix 1 -Fixed a whole lot of crashes! Settings menu crashes, server joining crashes, and the whole lot of them. -Fixed a bug which would make your character invisible. It may still happen from time to time, but will be rare. -Your character slots will now always be populated with your characters when the game starts up. -Fixed an bug causing the user interface to sometimes get stuck when making characters. -Textures on "that dress" are now fixed. -Resolved issues when joining a friend's game through Steam. -Improvements to voice communication quality. -Enormous improvements to server stability.   Hotfix 2 (coming soon) -Big improvements to lighting in the Town Square at night time. -Fixed broken lighting in the penthouse hallway. Remember you can check out all floor plans in the elevator. -Voices are both louder and longer travelling. -Graphical fixes inside the elevators. -Lighting on the cinema screen will now look more appropriate. -Removed the glue from cinema seats. -Again, more server/database stability improvements. -Messages with server connections will show up as intended, telling you what's happening when you click Play. -Fixed a bug which would send you back to character selection when trying to join a server if that server got full after you clicked Play (this happened a lot).