Arma Inc.    Closed until town square module comes out Introduction: Hello I am the founder of Arma Inc. ,  Arma Inc. is a company for making high tier guns and selling them.We are looking for people that can be active and can be hard working.We sell to pretty much to anyone that has a gun licenses. If you need to take a leave for a while you need to tell a higher up, so you will not be kicked out. We also plan on making it an underground gun store so you can sell illegal weapons.We do not plan on interviews for now but in the future we will do interviews.   why you should join? You should join Arma Inc. because you get paid around 50 bucks an hour plus you get a 25% discount on all the ammunition we make and that is just for a recruit. But if you are a higher rank then you can get a higher percent of the discount plus you get paid a higher amount and you get a discount on weapons. Ranks: Chairmen Vice Chairmen (S.G.M)Senior gun manufacturer (G.M)Gun manufacturer (S.G.R)senior gun researcher (G.R)gun researcher Manger Assistant manger Crew member Team member Recruit   The requirements to join: You have to be at least 21(in game) to join Tell me why you want to join You have to have a mic   If you want to join reply below and say if you have a mic and why you want to join or text me.Tell me if you want me to add anything.  Now working with the royal family.