Hello there. Im thinking how are you going to prevent players from not joining the police force and then just walk about in the middle of the public and kill whatever they see?     Or how are you going to prevent that police not just randomly search every player that they meet or just random raid every property?                                             How are you going to prevent police from not being abuse assholes? I've watch every video that you have made but...  How are you going to prevent that players are not just sitting on top of a building snipping every guy running aroud in a pvp zone?                                                       How are going to prevent players from mugging everyone everywhere?                                                                                                                                                 How are you going to prevent that players are not just starting a fire in every house/apartment that they dont like?                                                                                 How are you going to prevent players from joning a job to earn easy money with out doing what they are supposed to do?                                                                   How are you going to prevent Corupt Police officers and politicians? -John Doe