---------------VOTER GUIDELINES--------------- Hello citizens, this is just a quick list of guidelines for the vote that determines which votes are valid, of course the list of reasons a vote could be void is very small, there are still a couple things that can happen to cause a red flag.  *****NOTE***** All parties are included in this search, this is in no way to separate a party from the rest by taking votes, all void votes will be shown and given the reasoning and evidence to show why it was void. **************** All voters must have all the following qualifications to be considered a valid vote. Has at least 2 weeks of activity prior to the poll starting. (This is to insure that the account is real and not a duplicate account) The account has to have been created before the poll started. (This is also to insure that the account is real and not made for the vote) No Warning Points. (You must be able to show good moral characteristics by being free of Warning Points on your account) And that's it. Of course in the future the guidelines will probably get more complex, but for now these are all the qualifications a person must meet for their vote to be considered valid. *****NOTE*****  If your account was created before the original poll (October 30th,2017) your vote is automatically considered valid in all polls unless you have warning points. **************** We are still getting the debates set up, hopefully we can do it within the next couple of weeks, or maybe even before the current poll (November 2017) ends, but we will have to wait and see how things come together.