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Found 1 result

  1. COALITION AGAINST STRANGE PEOPLE (CUSP) "Let's detect all the weirdos of identity" Current party members: 1 Political leanings: Centrist Abbreviation: CUSP (As in example, to cusp your ballsack) Description: A political party for all on Identity who detect weirdos and strange people with weird fantasies. Our Policies I. Getting rid of the weirdo commies Obviously our first priority is ridding ourselves of the communists and socialists who are obsessed with literally giving away their stuff. Whilst they type their post on an Apple or Microsoft computer made by one of the largest corporations this world has seen, they propose that we give away our stuff to redistribute the wealth, with of course not a mention of their stuff being given away. These weirdos haven't set foot in the former USSR where you'd he shot for not being indoctrinated with propaganda, in the former East Germany where everyone was spied and surveilled by everyone and anyone or Communist China where people are routinely executed and disappear without a trace. These strange queers only want power over others and one way to assert power is to claim "muh communism" and force everyone to do as they are told or be shot. Weirdo Commies: WEIRDO RATING: 4/10 II. Getting rid of the weirdo ultra patriotic frenchman with nothing to be patriotic about We now move onto the frenchman who is ultra obsessed (a trend of obsession can be seen) with France a country that was conquered several times only to be liberated by other europeans. This weirdo frenchman loves his country so much but for some reason can't speak and protests his views in public so he comes to identity to spout nonsense. he wants to ban "burkhas" which i laughed for solidly for a while about in a video game. thats correct, he wants to ban a mask in a video game. he takes this game fars too seriously and seems to have a sort of hatred towards muslims (a touchy subject for him) and wants to nearly ban them in-game. the obvious weirdoness here is he wants to ban muslims in a video game which is funny. but its a shame he's deadly serious. With 53% of identity not voting for him we can see that his weirdoness has already been spotted by some. Weirdo frenchman:çais-national-fn-brand-update/ WEIRDO RATING: 7/10 III. Getting rid of the weirdo lion we now have a person obsessed with the lion king, a movie, who imagines himself as a lion for some strange reason now wants to run a political party monarchy type thing. the strangess of his character and his refusal to use voice chat in discord debates can only lead me to assume he is a weirdo weeaboo. not much to say here but he isn't a lion and needs therapy to treat it. WEIRDO RATING: 10/10 IV. Police weridos obviously my name is a meme and im obviously not a peolice chief2e!!! but some people take their self assigned police title very seriously and try to rp in forums to enforce the law for some strange reason. the game isnt out yet and people are trying to roleplay on the forums. sad! WEIRDO RATING: 11/10