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Posts posted by Antao

  1. Cool de voir que la commu française est présente .

    Perso je pense que le jeu sera pas trop dur a faire tourner car il fait avec ue4 .

    Moi j'aimerai bien faire un métier comme détective ou travailler dans le gouvernement un truc dans ce genre mais au début du jeux je testerai un peu tout pour voir ce qui me plait le mieux , j'éspère qu'il y aura beaucoup de truc à faire sur le module !

  2. Ah ok cool je pensais faire la même avec un mec que je connait bien qui tient un gros serv arma III

    Et sinon dit moi quel métier tu fera dans identity ??

  3. I will be a forest guard, I will have a small house next to the river, I will make sure that everyone respects the animals (i like animals), sometimes I will cut woods for my fireplace and I would lead a peaceful life, I will smoke a cigar watching a sunset.



    Sorry for my English 

  4. Salut je créer ce topic po58f51e4bb09ad_tlchargement.jpg.eaf974007ur tous les francais qui s'interesse a Identity le meilleur jeux du monde , voila débater de ce que vous vouler .


    Thanks dude !

    I don't really know yet, this game offers so much  possibility, I would like to do several things:

    - I would like to have a bar, I would have a mustache and tattoos like a hipster, I would be friendly with the customers, I would always speak with a nostalgic tone. I will be aware of all the gossip of the city.

    - I would like to be an artist, create my own t-shirt, painting. I could even open a gallery, I could also make music and sing in the street or in theaters.

    - I will be a forest guard, I will have a small house around the river, I will make sure that everyone respects the animals (i like animals) and I would lead a peaceful life, I will smoke a cigar watching a sunset.

     - I would like to be a  boss, manage a business then get me into the ranks to be a high official as we see in movies that have hands on everything

    Sorry for my English and bye my friend