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  1. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    Their Q&A says "Early 2017" though.
  2. Reddit Q&A with the Asylum Team

    Can you VR in the first module? Any hot tubs and/or swimming pools? Backyard barbeques? Parties? Anything underground, like maybe an entrance somewhere well hidden to a secret base with some NPC military personnel guards on patrol? Like a place where you could sneak in to, but was extremely complex to do so. And if you got caught you'd be held and questioned, tortured perhaps. It could be like a conspiracy thing until possibly proven inside identity world. Like what could they be hiding in there? Aliens? Treasure? Both? I'm just spit balling here at this point. Sorry if too many questions and if not the right place to post i'm just so very hyped for this game. Looks absolutely amazing so far. Stay awesome!