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  1. Prettys Womans from your town for night
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  4. Search Sexy Girls in your town for night
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  6. Keys High-End Apparel

    I haven't seen anyone apply for the title of Chief of Design, and I would like to use my previous application in order to apply for this position.
  7. I wondered the same thing...apparently other users on the forum have to like your posts... I think...
  8. Cinema

    Wouldn't they have to get rights to movies in order to avoid copyright or does this only work for YouTube?
  9. Health Bar?

    Will there be a health bar feature in the game? I think that if it's realistic, wounds will be categorized as fatal and non-fatal. Fatal obviously being headshots and non-fatal being injuries to legs or other limbs (speaking in terms of gunshot wounds). And also, is there going to be other ways to die besides guns, like car accidents or falling from a certain amount of stories? Will there be animations of doctors desperately trying to save a player, but it's too late?
  10. Game Suggestions From Role-Players.

    I feel like there should be a real estate license as well. Not sure why, but I feel like the more realistic the game is, the more fun it'll be trying to juggle multiple things at once. It would be fun to see a simple taxi driver progress to a real estate tycoon and become very wealthy. On the other hand, I feel like there would be that one person trying to monopolize the entire real estate industry, and while it is realistic, it's not very fun.

    I used the search bar, and no answers to the questions were found. Could you tell us what the answer is?
  12. Multiple Careers (Crime & Business)

    I hope that they will allow players to simultaneously have two careers or like a major/minor thing where they could have a primary focus and then a minor focus.
  13. Multiple Careers (Crime & Business)

    I may have misunderstood things, but will there be a way to have multiple careers at once? For example, if I wanted to have a crime organization, but be able to own other businesses as well such as a mining company, would that be possible? It seems as thought there is a linear path, career-wise. Like I said before, I may have misunderstood things or looked over something but if not, I believe that this would be a great inclusion to the game.
  14. Job Listings - Keys High-End Apparel

    Application Form Your Name: Remington Vanderbilt Which Job Are You Interested In?: Chief of Marketing Why?: The whole point of marketing is to get a product to sell, and to sell well. If no one is buying, someone is not doing their job effectively. Without proper marketing, all of the time and effort put into producing the product is wasted, and time is money. The more time wasted, the less money we are all getting. Why Should I Hire You Over Someone Else?: I am in the process of marketing my fashion start-up currently, and taking things that I know (and don't know) I feel as though I can be an integral part in this well-tuned machine. I have an extensive knowledge of Sociology and Psychology, so I will be able to synthesize those with my experiences here. I am clean, neat, and precise, something I believe that will benefit the company and also something that I can also improve on. Any Experience In The Fashion Industry?: As referenced above, I am currently in the process of starting up my own clothing line and I model for many clothing start-ups on the internet.