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Everything posted by sinityx

  1. Where are you from?! (Europe)

    From French
  2. a question for the modules

    I ask myself a question as the dev are creating scripts for the system of town square, for the creation of other modules will be faster and easier ? @Paratus @Beach_Ball FR: Je me pose une question car les dev sont en train de créer des scripts pour le système de square town, la création d'autres modules sera plus rapide et plus facile?
  3. Town Square Release

    I would like to start a career as a policeman and be able to rise in rank, I can not wait to see the system of how the police work, and so the criminal I can not wait to see the graphic quality because there is more than 2 years the graphics was perfect, are you so perfect so far? FR : Je voudrais commencer une carrière de policier et être en mesure de monter en grade, j'ai hâte de voir le système de fonctionnement de la police, et donc le criminel, je ne peux pas attendre pour voir la qualité graphique, car il y a plus de 2 ans les graphismes étaient parfaits, es-tu si parfait jusqu'ici?
  4. France

    Non le jeux n'est pas encore lancé vous pouvez suivre le travail des dev ici :
  5. Bonjour de France


    The graphics are a pixelizer, I think of the movement that gives a rendering like that, but in games it's not like that it will faloir wait for the first module out to see the real graphics
  7. [FR] Addict Life RôlePlay

    Super cela me plait bien !
  8. Environment Realism / Video Logic

    i totally agree the air vehicles may cut off any social interaction those who would be hurt to be able to meet other people
  9. Video

    I too want to see this video looks great and also to discover much more about the content that looks complex and great!

    Yeah yeah !