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Posts posted by Suben

  1. As I said, the boring stuff (and time consuming stuff) is being done now, I would rather the creators not spamming my twitter with code from the engine etc. 

    Even if there are issues going on with production, Panicking will only put more pressure on the devs. I doubt that rage and anger spam will make them want to continue developing.

    • Like 2

  2. I just wanted to say DON'T PANIC in large caps and post it, I feel some people have been expecting much faster progress on this game but fail to realise the large amount of boring ground work required in a game of this scale. Unlike modding games like ARMA III (with mods like DayZ), much of the game engine and foundation needs to be worked properly to have a stable yet adaptable foundation. 

    Let's give the devs as much time and support they need to release a solid and fun game. I'll finish with the old cooking quote "If you're looking, it ain't cooking.

    Also always bring a towel.

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  3. Following on from NUTTERBUTTER's question, will excessive consumption of alcohol and/or drugs have an outwards effect on how a person looks. ie. if one is very drunk will one occasionally stumble or wobble, and if one is addicted to a type of drug, will they have a relevant physical appearance to go with that drug type?

  4. I think that's what this game is about, you can be anybody and do anything. Within the limits of the game design obviously. I personally want to be able to sit at a cafe table and drink tea, rattling off wise tea related sayings.

  5. Hi fellow immigrants as a new years starts so does the infamous new years resolutions, so what challenges have been set and how do you think you will fare?

    My largest challenge is to limit myself to 30 mins a day on 9gag :), who knew that scrolling down could be so addicting.