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  1. Speed limits

    or i see you hitch hiking and think sod it lets run him over. Then I drive off laughing with the police chasing me just like in GTA ::)
  2. Car Customisation Queries

    i'm just shocked somebody actually tried lol.
  3. Car Customisation Queries

    Lol, I was only joking. Have you really tried it? I bet that was a laugh lol.
  4. Car Customisation Queries

    What? Have you not tried playing Call of duty with a steering wheel?
  5. Car Customisation Queries

    If this game does support controller, it will be epic for driving around in. May have to make something up though so I can push the controller away quickly when not needed
  6. Hi From England

    Thank you all.
  7. Car Customisation Queries

    Will we be able to use a wheel whilst driving? Or will it all be mouse and keyboard?
  8. Hi From England

    Hi everybody. Saw this game previewed quickly on a youtube video and it looked interesting. I like the idea and hope it works out to be a great game. I love the ideas so far and hopefully as the game goes on it will get more popular and more features added over the years. Haven't quite yet decided what I want to do in the world but I'm sure once I start playing it will soon come to me. Look forward to meeting you all in game.